Chemins d'Espérance


Chemins d'Espérance supports people affected by the vulnerability of old age.

Who are we?

Enclos Rey is a service provided through the non-profit association ‘Chemins d’Espérance’, which manages about twenty nursing homes throughout the country.  It cares for more than 1,200 vulnerable seniors.

Our commitment

The Enclos Rey is on a site shared between the motherhouse of the “Little Sisters of the Assumption”, owner of the premises, the headquarters of the Association ‘Chemins d’Espérance’ and the Grenelle EHPAD which welcomes 125 residents.

With roots in Christian history that continue to inspire its development today, the association ‘Chemins d’Espérance’ manages institutions that were founded by Catholic religious congregations or devoted lay groups, with a shared aspiration to be open to all and particularly attentive to the most needy.

Our story

Since the 1970s, several Catholic congregations have entrusted the management of their social and medico-social institutions to lay associations. The ‘Chemins d’Espérance’ has inherited this role of care and 10 Catholic religious congregations have transferred their homes to our management.